Edd's Running Commentary

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Artwork available at

West End Gallery

Member of

Association of Hawaii Artists


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My youngest daughter's band recorded
some of their songs for streaming
services and asked me to work on the
"cover art" that they had in mind.
Here is the end result..

skull with headlight album art

ETH-3444 "Basement Lite"
10x10" mixed media 2025


Here's another one, now at
West End Gallery as they gear
up for their next show.

pencil drawing of a horse's head

ETH-3425 "Horsehead #6, rev."
8x10" mixed media 2024


This one is at West End Gallery for
the next change out. It incorporates
elements from a Fritz Trautman painting
I saw many years ago..

young man's portrait with coloured balls

ETH-3436 "The Trautman Dream"
8x10" mixed media 2025


This one is also currently at Marks Garage
for the February show.

little boy dressed as cowboy

ETH-3434 "Bobby Bids Us Bye-Bye
(Farewell Earthlings)"
8x10" mixed media 2024


This one is currently at Marks Garage
for the "Fantasy & Fiction" show.

exotic female portrait

ETH-3434 "The Gypsy Queen"
c.8x12" mixed media 2025


This is a recreation of a previous
version done in oil many, many years
female profile mixed media

ETH-3427 "Purple Julie, rev."
11x14 mixed media 2024


Another piece in the Holiday Art
Fair at the ARTS at Marks Garage.
This is a recreation of a previous
version done in oil many, many years
two characters in front of the flag

ETH-3420 "Star Crossed, rev."
18x16 mixed media 2024


One of my pieces in the current Holiday Art
Fair at the ARTS at Marks Garage.

4 Goths posing

ETH-3404 "Punks Run in the Family"
8x10 mixed media 2024


My first time in an "Artists of Hawai'i" show
now on view at the Downtown Art Center,
Honolulu. Two opening receptions this weekend,
which were very well attended!

posing with my drawing

ETH-3360 "Man As Crane"
11x14 mixed media 2023


It seems that I have revisited some older
pieces a few times this year. This is one
v such "revisit". It was originally a pencil
and color pencil drawing on paper, about
11x14" as I recall. Now it's more compact
as an 8x10 and part of my display for Art
of Pride at the ARTS at Marks Garage this

a dog picks up the scent of an astronaut

ETH-3395 "Wisdom of the Simple, rev."
8x10 mixed media 2024


This is a recent piece. Guess where
it's going very soon..

portrait child on a tricycle

ETH-3407 "What I Wanted As A Child"
8x10 mixed media 2024


And another of the most recent pieces
I submitted to West End Gallery.

portrait of 3 strange women

ETH-3396 "The Psychedelic Sisters"
8x10 mixed media 2024


And another of the most recent pieces
I submitted to West End Gallery.

acrylic wash painting of a cat

ETH-3398 "CatNap"
8x10 mixed media 2024


And another of the most recent pieces
I submitted to West End Gallery.

drawing of a woman with sunglasses

ETH-3389 "Aunty Sees the Twelve
Apostles" 8x10 mixed media 2024


This is one of the most recent pieces
I submitted to West End Gallery.

drawing of people dancing

ETH-3387 "When Queers Take Over The
Dance Floor" 8x10 mixed media 2024


I have these two mixed media pieces in the "Go Figure" how
until the 20th at the Downtown Art Center, Honolulu..
Plus: misc small sketches from life drawing sessions.

Edd at WEG

Visiting West End Gallery to see the end of the
Showcase I was in, as well as the opening reception
for the G.C.Myers show. Got to catch up with many
people then..


I have these two mixed media pieces in the "Go Figure" how
until the 20th at the Downtown Art Center, Honolulu..
Plus: misc small sketches from life drawing sessions.

2 nude male mixed media drawings

ETH-3380 "A Pulling"
ETH-3345 "Artists As Model As Artist A..
11x14 mixed media 2023-4


Sent this one to West End Gallery
a while ago, but worth catching up
on it.

drawing of a pensive woman

ETH-3215 "Illusion of Depth"
8x10 mixed media 2022


Here's another one currently at West End
Gallery. And next time, I'll tell you about
a juried figure/portrait show in which
I have two pieces.

drawing of a sad woman near an ocean

ETH-3384 "No Day At The Beach"
8x10 mixed media 2024 [Private Collection]


This is in the Summer Feature Show at West End
starting June 14.

drawing of a man swinging a child

ETH-3381 "Levitation For Beginners
(Divining Rodney)" 8x10 mixed media 2024


This one is also going to West End Gallery
for the Summer Feature Exhibit.

drawing of a sad young woman

ETH-3378 "Disappointment Is No Fun"
8x10 mixed media 2024


This one is going to West End Gallery
for the Summer Feature Exhibit starting
June 14.
Based on a photo I took there a long time

drawing of the Statue of Liberty

ETH-3375 "My Ideal Woman"
16x20 mixed media 2024


This one is now at
West End Gallery.

drawing of a smug man

ETH-3379 "The Mlaignant Narcissist"
8x10 mixed media 2024


Not necessarily an OTD item, but I
finished this piece up one year ago
and finally posting it.

drawing of a man with a jackhammer

ETH-3295 "The Pareto Principle"
8x10 mixed media 2023


This is a recent piece that I sent
to West End Gallery.

drawing portrait of a goofy looking guy

ETH-3343 "Goofball"
8x10 mixed media 2023


This one will be one of my offerings
in an upcoming Summer Showcase.

drawing of woman ignoring atomic bomb

ETH-3371 "Didn't Do Her Homework"
8x10 mixed media 2024


An older piece that I recently put
on Instagram and Facebook.

painting of a glamour girl

ETH-2388 "Clockwork Biscuit Gods part 8"
5x7 oil 2013


New addition to my work at West End Gallery.
drawing of a pouty little girl

ETH-3368 "Aubrey is New to Photo Bombing"
8x10 mixed 2024


This is one of the portraits I have in
the AHA2024 show, now up at Pauahi Tower
downtown Honolulu until May 10.

drawing of sullen young man

ETH-3366 "People Spend So Much Time Putting
Their Hopes & Dream Down On Paper"
11x14 mixed 2024


New (technically) work head to West End Gallery.
This was first made in 2017, but didn't seem
quite right. Tweaked it a little recently, and
I think it's ready.

painting distraught woman in front of the moon

ETH-2746 "Couldn't Care Less"
8x10 mixed 2017/2024


Final week of "Once Upon A Time" at The ARTS
at Marks Garage. This piece went up to replace
the one that sold on opening night.

drawing of a freaked out man

ETH-3240 "Icabod Hears A Booj"
8x10 mixed 2022


The Little Gems show has opened at
West End Gallery.
One of my piece that has been sold
already. Mahalo!

drawing of a woman disolving away

ETH-3355 "Incognito"
5x7 mixed 2023


"Once Upon A Time" opened laste night at The
ARTS at Marks Garage and celebrates Fairytale
Month. One of my pieces is a nod toward Lewis
Carroll's character. The show runs through
February 24.

drawing of a woman dressed in white

ETH-3307 "The White Queen"
8x12 mixed 2023


I am planning to send this to West
End Gallery for their 30th Annual
Little Gems show in February.

drawing of a very perplexed person

ETH-3361 "What Is Wrong With People?"
5x7 pencil 2023


All the best to you in this new year!
So let's take a look at a recent piece.

drawing of Maxim Gorky in heavy shadow

ETH-3362 "Gorkyoda"
8x10 mixed 2023


New work at West End Galleryand a few
others in the Director's Choice show.

wreath season's greetings

Peace and Joy
and all the best in 2024


New work at West End Galleryand a few
others in the Director's Choice show.

mixed media portrait of man squinting

ETH-3303 "Squint"
8x10 mixed media 2023


I have a variety of work at
The ARTS at Marks Garage for
the Holiday Art Fair until
the end of the month.

mixed media portrait of man and old car

ETH-3320 "Impala"
5x7 mixed media 2023


I have work for the upcoming Holiday
Art Fair at The ARTS at Marks Garage.
First Friday opening December 1!

mixed media portrait of a young man

ETH-3328 "Blue Eyes"
5x7 mixed media 2023


I have work set aside for another group show
coming here in December. More as we get closer.
artwork of man smoking something

ETH-3346 "By Cracky"
6x6 mixed media 2023


Well, I can't say I haven't been busy lately. Working
behind the scenes withe the Association of Hawai'i
Artists to put up their current 11th Miniatures show
at Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens (until the end of the
month). Yesterday, helped hang small artwork at Cedar
Street Galleries for their annual and very popular
Matchbox exhibit. I have two pieces in that show. And
here is a piece I recently sent to West End Gallery
for their pending Director's Choice show in a week or

drawing of 4 people staring at you

ETH-3340 "Watching Andrew Paint"
8x10 mixed media 2023


The year is winding down with quite a few
shows coming up. This week, I deliver two
pieces to Cedar Street Galleries for their
annual Matchbox show. Both pieces are only
5x7 inches.
drawing on wood thoughtful man
ETH-3337 "Determination"
5x7 pencil 2023 [Private Collection]


One of the shows that I am in this month
is ARTS of Pride at The ARTS at Marks
Garage. This was completed this past

drawing painting two men in swimsuits holding fish
ETH-3314 "Teach A Man To Fish"
11x14 mixed media 2023


I have two pieces in the Pamana Art Exhibit during the
month of October at Honolulu Hale. This is a reworking
based on an older piece in oil.

drawing painting Madonna and Child in cemetery
ETH-3326 "Women Have Lifted Cars Off Their
Babies III" 11x14 mixed media 2023


This is now at West End Gallery.
drawing old man in profile
ETH-3323 "21:13"
8x10 mixed media 2023


And another one going to West End Gallery.
drawing man sitting in a chair
ETH-3335 "What Picture Are You Going to
Use For Me" 8x10 mixed media 2023


This will be in the next group to West End Gallery.
drawing man stands near cat on a stump
ETH-3332 "The Tree Of Knowledge Is Now A Stump"
8x10 mixed media 2023


I have a painting in the Artists for Lahaina
fundraising auction online. Search Harnas
in Gallery 3 [Ekolu] to see my piece.
Here s the link to the website.
Artists For Lahaina


Last Sunday was the opening for the Hawai i
Watercolor Society Open Reflections in
Water . Here I am with my award winning
piece. You can see highlights of the show
online at Hawai i Watercolor Society.
A special mahalo to Alexander and Baldwin
for sponsoring the award that I won.
Edd at HWS Open Reception
At the Hawai'i Watercolor Society Open Reception


mixed media drawing man s portrait with gold glasses
ETH-3304 "Oh, The Words You Choose To Trust"
8x10 mixed media 2023 [Private Collection]


mixed media drawing people s feet
ETH-3297 "Pink Shadows, Revisited"
8x10 mixed media 2023


mixed media drawing an old car in a field
ETH-3305 "A Car in a Field"
8x10 mixed media 2023


mixed media drawing Princess Ka'iulani
ETH-3202 "Ka'iulani III"
8x10 mixed media 2022


oil painting man taking a picture of beach and Diamond Head Hawai i
ETH-2550 "Droeste Tourist"
oil 16x20 2015


This is a recent piece now at
West End Gallery. Called "Metal
Health", it is a portrait of
Kevin DuBrow from Quiet Riot.
This would have to date from
the summer of 1994 when I was
part of the morning show at a
classic rock station. We often
brought in bands to play at this
nearby venue, and I had the
chance to meet, or at least hang
out in the vicinity of some of
them. This is one of the photos
I took that night and finally
worked it up into a drawing.
mixed media drawing Kevin DuBrow at Freds Woodshed
ETH-3310 "Metal Health"
8x10 mixed 2023


drawing painting outrigger paddler
ETH-3313 "Ala Wai Paddler"
11x14 mixed 2023


I had my "annual" visit with Jesse and Lin at
West End Gallery recently. There I had a chance
to see how they displayed my work for this
summer's group show "Light and Shadow". It's
always to pleasure to catch up with my "Gallery
Edd Tokarz Harnas display at West End Gallery
Harnas's work in Light and Shadow


mixed media drawing young woman's face
ETH-3287 "Bone Conduction"
8x10 mixed media 2023


drawing portrait smoking woman with sunglasses
ETH-3288 "Marge Flirts With Melanoma"
8x10 mixed 2023 [Private Collection]


oil study study man's face
ETH-2415 "Consensus Bullshit"
5x7 oil unknown date


I have two hanging pieces and some small
"pop-up" pieces in the Emergence show
at the Downtown Art Center,
Honolulu. It is a joint exhibit with
the Windward Artists Guild and the
Association of Hawai'i Artists.
Here is one of the small "pop-up" pieces.

drawing study man's face
ETH-3273 "Study for The Perish Priest"
5x7 mixed media 2023


portrait man's face mixed media
ETH-3247 "Pink Eye"
8x10 mixed media 2022


oil study man's face from above
ETH-3292 "Mandela Effect"
5x7 oil 2012


mixed media drawing painting of fractured reflection
ETH-3245 "Fractured Paradise"
11x14 mixed media 2023


I planned to include this in an upcoming
portrait show planned for an art center in

pencil drawing man's partially obscured face
ETH-3250 "Imagine A Day Without Water"
8x10 mixed media 2022


I modeled last night for the drawing group
at the Downtown Art Center. And I was
amused to see me on the wall from when
I modeled for the Tuesday
afternoon portrait group last year.

portraits on gallery wall
portraits on gallery wall


A recent piece created especially for a show
in May.

mixed media portrait of a man
ETH-3289 "Stood Under His Bridge"
8x10 mixed media 2023


mixed media portrait
ETH-3284 "Beyond the Walls of Belief"
8x10 mixed media 2023


oil sketch man's face
ETH-3257 "Shadow Puppet Master"
5x7 oil 2014


wash painting single red rose
ETH-3258 "Bleeding Rose"
5x7 mixed media 2022


painting study old percolator
ETH-3238 "Wanna Grab Some Coffee"
5x7 mixed media 2023


oil study man's face with sunglasses
ETH-3255 "White Eyes"
5x7 oil 2013


oil portrait smoking woman
ETH-2369 "It Plays Havoc With Itself (detail)"
5x7 oil 2012


oil study man's face
ETH-3254 "Hammajang"
5x7 oil 2013


drawing woman's profile in repose
ETH-3248 "Semi-Loyal Actress"
5x7 mixed 2022 [Private Collection]


drawing anguished woman
ETH-3235 "Gilt By Association"
11x14 mixed 2022


drawing Duke Kahanamoku statue
ETH-3205 "Duke IV"
8x10 mixed 2022


drawing befuddled young man
ETH-3199 "Boy Band Reject"
8x10 mixed 2022 [Private Collection]


Today's piece is part of a little series
with a Hawaiian theme that
I have taken to Cedar Street Galleries
in Honolulu. This piece was
based on a photo taken of a paddler
on the Ala Wai near where I live.

drawing man paddling outrigger canoe
ETH-3189 "Hoe Aku i Ka Wa'a"
11x14 mixed 2022


drawing man sits on hood of old car
ETH-3233 "Still Has His Mixtapes"
8x10 mixed 2022


drawing two ghostly male figures
ETH-3229 "The Fear Of Touch"
5x7 mixed 2022


drawing painting man with a cigarette
ETH-3239 "Natural Resources"
8x10 mixed 2022


Now that Adriana has unwrapped her birthday
present, I can share it with you. Her cute
little dog, doing what it likes to do best!

drawing painting sleeping dog
ETH-3203 "Norma [naps]"
8x10 mixed 2022 [Private Collection]


drawing two men chatting
ETH-3226 "Hyperbully"
9x12 mixed 2022


drawing two women's faces
ETH-3227 "Giselle and Her Sister, the Ghost"
8x10 mixed 2022


drawing of a screaming boy
ETH-3214 "Garden Of Eton"
8x10 mixed 2022


drawing man's face with scrawled background
ETH-2927 "I Don't Care Who You Think
He Is" 8x10 mixed 2019


drawing happy face with Japanese hiragana
ETH-3212 "Well Then"
8x10 mixed 2022


drawing happy man in big cap
ETH-3217 "When Snow Means Bread"
5x7 mixed 2022


drawing of distinguished man with KISS makeup
ETH-2763 "Aristocrat in KISS Makeup" 8x10
pencil/acrylic 2017 [Private Collection]


portrait of concerned woman in moonlight
ETH-3149 "The Lure Of Aliens" 8x10
pencil/acrylic 2022 [Private Collection]


When I am not drawing or painting portraits
and figures, I also work as an art model.
I think "feeling" a pose helps me better
understand its mechanics when it comes
time for me to draw from life. And as a
nudist, it fills the bill of doing a job
you like! Here's a sample from a drawing
group I posed for earlier this week.

male life drawing model
Sample poses 2022


I went to a graduation party last night
that a friend, Nancy, hosted for her
granddaughter. Nancy has a couple of my
artworks in her collection, one of which
caught the eye of two of her friends.
Previously I had met Nancy s friend Annie.
Last night, I also spoke with her sister
Claire, about art and especially about
Patsy Mink.
This year, you may hear a lot about Mink s
Title IX Amendment of the Higher Education
Act, prohibiting gender discrimination by
federally funded institutions of higher
education. It is the 50th anniversary.
It turns out that Claire and Annie s
mother was once Mink s campaign manager
in Hawai i, and they shared a few stories
of those early days. I was
especially moved hearing that Mink and
the manager would often come home at the
end of day campaigning to cry because
of the abuse they sometimes
faced in what was then still a male
dominated culture. The women both
spoke well of my portrait, and I
appreciate hearing their stories
about Congresswoman Mink.

ballpoint pen portrait
ETH-2824 Patsy Mink
11x14 ballpoint pen


"Finding Light" opened at West End Gallery.
Here's the full image of my piece that
was featured on the PR postcard I posted
last time.

painting floating lanterns
ETH-3200 "Toro Nagashi" 10x12
mixed media 2022 [Private Collection]


I am one of 20 artists in the group show
"Finding Light" at West End Gallery which opens June 17.
West End described the theme as, Life is
certainly a journey. Along the way, especially
in recent years, many people have faced
unexpected challenges, uncertainty, loss,
and some have found themselves in a dark
place. This exhibit is to help serve
as a reminder that people are not alone
in their experiences, no matter where
they are in their journey, and that even
in the darkness we can find light and hope .
My piece, "Toro Nagashi" is on the PR card,
upper right.

Finding Light PR card
"Finding Light", West End Gallery, Corning NY


May was busy. Participated in Iconic Oahu
at the Arts at Marks Garage, and the
4-day event, Go Figure, at the Downtown
Art Center. Mahalo to my new patrons!

two male nudes
Edd's pieces in recent "Go Figure" exhibit at
Downtown Art Center, Honolulu


After a long pause, I finished this piece
last year and it was in a show, pretty much
in a corner, last fall. I feel it has
a powerful message that I was reminded
of after the last massacre of school
children this past week. After all is
said and done, it seems nothing gets done,
and we just move on.. to the next one..

pencil drawing shooting children
ETH-2938 "Beating A Dead Horse"
16x20 pencil/acrylic 2021


pencil drawing standing nudes
ETH-3191 "Desert of Discontent"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2022


The original version of this piece was
a hit at last December's Association of
Hawai i Artists show "The Present" at
The Arts at Marks Garage. I was invited
to participate in an upcoming show
there for May with the theme Iconic Oahu.
The curator, MaryAnne, really hoped for
something similiar, and so..

drawing painting plantation lunch pail

ETH-3195 "Study for Plantation Lunch"
5x7 pencil/acrylic 2022


Another recent piece..

drawing painting green man smoking
ETH-3193 "I'm Not A Robot"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2022


drawing painting young man's portrait
ETH-3188 "Everybody's Got Two"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2022


This is a recent piece that would go
in the "happy accident" column.
Often when I gesso the canvas, I tone
it with some acrylic for color.
Sometimes it's an even coat, and
sometimes it's just splayed on.
In this case, the color seemed to
have a figure in there, which I just
worked on to better define.

abstract figure painting
ETH-3192 "I Asked You Nicely"
8x10 mixed media 2022


ETH-3187 "BBQ Trauma"
8x10 penci/acrylic 2022


drawing man's portrait in shadow
ETH-3177 L'Homme Moyen"
5x7 pencil/acrylic 2021


artwork woman's butt
ETH-3186 "Velma Gets Cheeky"
5x7 pencil/acrylic 2021


This has to be one of my longest absences.
My internet service went out Christmas Eve
and was not restored until this past Friday!
The landline was out even longer, since
early December, and I just
ended up cancelling it -- have a cell phone
anyway, which I got my money's worth out
of this last 4-5 weeks! Meanwhile, continued
doing artwork and finished up my participation
in three shows in Honolulu in mid to late
This year, I am happy to say that I am part
of the 2022 Schaefer Portrait Challenge at
the Maui Arts and Cultural Center. This time
I made a self-portrait, and because the
competiton stresses the traditional technique
of working from a live sitter, I set up
my easel next to the closet door mirror
and went to town.
A few years ago, I came across a picture
of the Shroud of Turin and was struck by how
much the centuries old folds of the fabric
had a tie-dye look -- from which the title
I went back to that idea when I wanted to
do the self-portrait and found an old table
cloth on which to work. It was finished to
the right size by a local seamstress, and
I had Roland lay on it to make a rough outline
-- like a police chalk drawing on the pavement!
From there, I worked on 3 test drawings of my
face in order to make sure I was getting a
decent likeness. Then I started on the actual
table cloth, and of course, the likeness
wasn't coming at first.
There was a bit of a struggle to get it right.
Then working with an inadequately small easel,
I started to work in the body, a section
at a time. This is the first thing that I did
wrong! Because it became difficult to match one
area to another, so I stopped doing
that after drawing the upper chest.
The second thing I did wrong was to try to
draw the lower body without
taking parallax distortion into account.
Eventually, I had to lay it out on the floor,
look in the mirror, move to the drawing and draw.
Back and forth, back and forth.. The other
aspect that I did a little wrestling with
was just how much "detail" to put in,
and how faithful I was to that "detail".
It was certainly a learning experience.

mixed media Turin parody
mixed media self protrait
ETH-3165 "Tie-Dye Turin"
29.5x80 mixed media 2021


Oh no, starting with another pet peeve!
I went to an art show yesterday which
reminded me of something that's always
bothered me. It is sometimes very hard
to see the artwork when people stand and
socialize in front of it.
While I understand that is an important
aspect of any art opening or reception,
the most important thing is to see the
work itself. So, if you don't mind,
could you wander off to a more isolated
area to chat that doesn't block any
of the pieces? I'd appreciate it!
Today's piece is an old one that was
much bigger with extaneous things
in the background.
Recently, I realized that the figure
was the most important part, so I
cropped it. I like the result
much better.

ballpoint pen figure drawing
ETH-1350 "Foreign Body Sensation"
11x14 ballpoint pen 2021


First, a comment. I follow misc. art blogs
with the intention of seeing inspiring
art pieces from past to present. Sometimes,
a piece is labeled "Untitled" but in
parenthesis, there is a title? So, what's up
with that? Is it or isn't it?? If you
haven't figured it out by now, I love
coming up with titles and feel it's a
very important part of the piece. It seems
others aren't on the same page as me.

Coming up, there are three miniature
shows that I will have work in. The first is the traditional Matchbox Show at
Cedar Street Galleries, Honolulu.
This is one of the pieces I submitted.

pencil drawing pa'u princess
ETH-3156 "Pa'u Princess"
6x8 pencil/acrylic 2021 [Private Collection]


This is a pencil drawing from quite a while
ago. As I recall, the title stems from a
news report I heard around that time.
A person was discovered along a nearby
river, and it was said that they had died
of "natural" causes. It got me thinking,
what are the alternatives -- and I came
up with this title.

pencil drawing eye stares out of leaves

ETH-0501 "A Death Less Than Natural"
22x26 pencil 1990 [Private Collection]


This is a piece based on an old family photo
I discovered last summer. It has something
of a gangster feel to it, so I felt it
needed a Godfatheresque title.

pencil drawing two men in suits
ETH-3179 "But Until That Day"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


This is one of those pieces that takes
a LONG time to develop. I started it
almost 2 1/2 years ago, and dabbled with it
off and on for a least a year after.
In doing some housekeeping, I came
across it again, and gave it a thorough
examination. Couldn't think
of anything else it needed, so..
pencil drawing shooting children
ETH-2938 "Beating A Dead Horse"
16x20 pencil/acrylic 2021


pencil drawing woman holds baby wearing sunglasses

ETH-3162 "Baby Orbison"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021 [Private Collection]


pencil drawing three people standing around
ETH-3163 "Before DNA Testing"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


This is based on a photo
I found when dealing with the old
family house in August.

drawing of a man dressed as a cowboy
ETH-3164 "The Reluctant Cowboy"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


Part of my August trip was spent cleaning
out the old family home. I found a few older
pieces there, and brought back a few
favorites. And whatever I could roll to fit
in my suitcase!
This oil painting dates back to 1987 and
is based on a photo I took back in the
70's in Wyoming. The digital picture
comes close but does not fully convey the
deep blue in the sky.
oil painting Wyoming butte and sky
ETH-0406 "Landscape 29"
17x19 oil 1987


I have shown a number of old pieces
including this one from 1991. It is made
up of 9 separate drawings, starting
with a self-portrait with 5 ducks. It was
a theme that I latched onto, and eventually
framed them as a set. Unfortunately,
I could not transport a roughly 30x40
inch piece, so I took that drawings out.
Took a phone pic, so this is the last
time to see them as originally framed.

ballpoint self portrait drawings with 5 items
ETH-0710 "The Synchronous Stele"
c30x40 ballpoint pen 1990-91


Another recent piece that combines a
couple of different elements.

drawing two men old photo
ETH-3154 "As Above, So Below"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


I like combining a couple of widely different
elements to form a picture.
And in this case, illustrating an adage.
drawing of elephant at dinner table
ETH-3155 "Elephant in the Room"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


drawing children pose with different faces
ETH-3123 "Fritz and Ulla Are Fluid"
8x10 pencil/oil 2021


drawing of jumping dog
ETH-3150 "Grandpa's Dog Was Nuts"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


I recently digitized the last batch of
slides of old artworks. Today
we revisit one of the bigger pieces
I've ever done -- an perhaps
most conceptual.
This is mixed media on cardboard, and
as I recall, it was a box that
something came in, I forget what.
It is based on a photo that I had
taken at some point in NYC near Time
Square, perhaps in the 80's.
I guess you could say it was "conceptual"
because the homeless were
living in boxes then. The title came
from a phrase my brother used
to say. I remember this was in a show
I had at Mansfield University a year
after I made it.

painting of homeless man on cardboard
ETH-0796 "Starving to Death On A
Government Grant" 58x64 mixed 1992


This portrait is the most recent that
features the type of down and out
person one encounters in our urban
spaces today.
I meant to convey the weight he
might be struggling with
in his life.
drawing forlorn homeless man
ETH-3131 "The Veteran"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


This is another "oldie" from the batch
of slides I had digitized.
This was taken at a party, and the woman
was a friend of the hostess.
I liked the pose and expression. This is
colour pencil on matboard which I used
to do a lot of back at that time.
colour pencil portrait
ETH-0850 "Portrait, of Priscella"
15x15 colour pencil 1993


This piece was well underway, based on a
vintage photo of two men talking.
I wanted to incorporate something else,
but didn't have any ideas.. Until
I was waiting for The Bus after a quick
errand at my art supply store.
At the bus stop, there were about a half
dozen chickens running around.
Very colorful in the morning sunlight.
And so I took a bunch of pictures,
and you can see the result.
painting 2 men talking about a chicken
ETH-3139 "How Much You Want For The Chicken?"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021

06-20-2021: Back 26 years..

I recently had a final batch of slides digitized
for my archives. (The goal is to get it all to
fit on a thumb drive!) This is a favorite from
the 90's.
The story on this one: a friend found a
Polaroid photo (face down) while
crossing the street. Out of curiosity,
she picked up it and look at it.
And immediately knew it was a subject
for one of my paintings. Correct!
This piece evolved rather quickly as a
painting man in San Fran baseball cap
ETH-0920 "3 Boys In A Buick"
16x20 acrylic 1995 [Private Collection]


Sometimes I don't feel a piece works, and
it gets painted over. Sometimes, I'm
relatively happy with a piece, but over
time, the "magic" is gone.
That's the case with today's work.
It was originally made in 2017, but
lately I felt the portrait part no
longer worked.
So I kept the telephone from the
original, and added a new face.
This was a relatively fast piece
with more painting of the face
than drawing.

woman's portrait with old fashioned telephone
ETH-2708r "The Day She Felt Like A Cog"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


pencil drawing portrait pensive man
ETH-3130 "Lies To Everyone"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


This is one of those pictures that just
developed as I went. It was
based on a pretty faded old photo, so
I overcompensated with the
line. It reminded me of a coloring book.
Another happy accident!
pencil portrait man line drawing coloring book
ETH-3128 "What Lines?"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


Another recent piece, inspired by my
daughter and son-in-law's
interest in playing "Go". Had a portrait,
needed a background.
These things happen like that.

pencil portrait Go stones
ETH-3114 "Waiting Everywhere For Anyone"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


drawing painting people around a table
ETH-3118 "Luella's Last Supper"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021 [Private Collection]


I started the Weinglas series back in the
early 80's. The first few were oil. There
were 9 in the series into the 1990's, but
it was only recently that I thought about
revisiting some of those images. And this
is the result.

pencil drawing wineglass on a table
ETH-3120 "Weinglas X"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


acrylic painting man drinking
ETH-3122 "Red Nose Day"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


man's profile drawing acrylic paint stars
ETH-3116 "The Astronomer"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


drawing woman smirking<
ETH-3115 "Marks To Prove It"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


drawing female portrait
ETH-3110 "Confirmation Bias"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


painting drawing old man's sad eyes
ETH-3111 "Do You Understand Now?"
8x10 pencil/acrylic/oil 2021


pencil drawing man's face
ETH-3104 "Isologia"
6x6 pencil/acrylic 2021


pencil drawing two men
ETH-3102 "Magical Thinking"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


drawing painting rebelious crowd
ETH-3098 "Vicious Circle"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


drawing portrait bearded man
ETH-3103 "Boanerges" 8x10 pencil/acrylic 2021


drawing shocked child on telephone
ETH-3094 "Dialing For Dollars"
5x7 pencil/acrylic 2021


This is the 3rd piece I've made of Duke
Kahanamoku, the legendary Hawaiian Olympian
and surfer. His statute is just a few blocks
from me, and it is covered heavily with lei
for his birthday, every August 24th.
First is a recently completed piece based
on his statue.

Duke Kahanamoku drawing painting
ETH-3095 "Duke III"
11x14 pencil/acrylic 2021

This is the first, painted back in 2011.
painting of surfer Duke Kahanamoku
ETH-2253 "Tribute To Duke"
8x10 oil 2011


ETH-3093 "Telephone"
5x7 pencil/acrylic 2021


drawing man observes bomb site
ETH-3090 "Simon Says"
7x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


portrait pencil acrylic drawing
ETH-3074 "Born Without Shame"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil drawing silhouette
ETH-3091 "Yah-Ta-Hey"
5x7 pencil/acrylic 2020


drawing two faces double portrait

ETH-3088 "Gridlock"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


homeless man corporate branding
ETH-2957 "Consumed"
11x14 pencil/acrylic 2019


< drawing portrait old man smoking

ETH-3086 "Only Guaranteed One Thing"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil drawing woman points to forehead

ETH-3085 "Default Thought Pattern"
11x14 pencil/acrylic 2020


portrait acrylic pencil old man

ETH-3081 "Throwing Wind Horses"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020



portrait with mask and sunglasses

ETH-3080 "Can't Be Too Careful"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil drawing acrylic painting old man parties hardy

ETH-3052 "Party Animal"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


portrait male face acrylic paint

ETH-2633 "Haole Kabuki"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2016


Sometimes I base a piece on a photo that
Roland has taken.
That is the case here.. perhaps a homeless
man and his best friend. It was the dog's
"expression" that I found the most interesting.

man and dog drawing portrait

ETH-3058 "Nohonani"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil drawing woman with mask

ETH-3059 "Madeleine Moment"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


drawing woman kisses confused man

ETH-3072 "Betsy Bursts His Bubble"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


This piece was inspired by a piece
called Tek III by a Belgian artist
I like, Eddy Stevens.

self portrait pencil drawing

ETH-3067 "Before And After (Ode to Eddy)"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


drawing man sighs as dog shows off

ETH-3068 "Full Frontal"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


man and woman drawing face masks

ETH-3061 "Stop Making Stupid People Famous"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil drawing girl putting on mask

ETH-3069 "You Got Two Ways To Go"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


bridal gown with mask

ETH-3060 "Association Fallacy"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil drawing woman with box camera

ETH-3066 "Agfa"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil acrylic portrait female face

ETH-3064 "Early Morning Blues and Green"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


This is a portrait of Adriana, based on
a photo shoot she had with Kathy,
a dear late friend.

woman's pencil portrait

ETH-3051 "Every Contact Leaves A Trace"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020

This was going to be a full face piece,
but the mouth expression wasn't quite
what I wanted. When I gessoed over it,
I liked the suggestion of a mask, and
went with that look. Besides, the eyes
said it all, I think.

pencil portrait different coloured eyes

ETH-3056 "Gain-Of-Function"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil portrait pensive man

ETH-3047 "Your Pain Is Better Than Mine"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


portrait frustrated man in Amerika

ETH-3050 "Red White Black & Blue"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


I started this piece around January 2018
and worked on it for a while. And set it
aside, and brought it out every so often
to work on it a little more. I wasn't quite
satisfied, but not sure why. Then about
a week ago, I found it again, adjusted
the size, tweaked it a little, and
declared it officially finished!
All things in due time.

portrait woman with grafitti

ETH-2815 "Ampersand"
11x14 pencil/acrylic 2020


This piece is based on a photo from my
parent's wedding. I thought it had a very
interesting composition.

portrait pencil acrylic paint

ETH-3045 "Dutch Courage"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil drawing man's face

ETH-3037 "Just Another jim jones"
9x12 pencil/acrylic 2020


This idea has some commentary going on.
While much of the world is masking the
nose/mouth against Covid-19, there is
still the ongoing blindness from not
seeing the truth, in general. The title
plays on both the optimum sight
measurement as well as the year.

oil painting blindfolded man

ETH-3030 "2020"
11x14 oil 2020 [Private Collection]


ETH-3028 "Maskenfreiheit II"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


blind folded lovers drawing
ETH-3031 "Swapping Spit"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


male protrait pencil drawing

ETH-3019 "Never Put Your Finger Where You
Wouldn't Put Your Face"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil drawing fragmented face portrait

ETH-3025 "Facial Reconstruction"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil drawing portrait ransom note

ETH-3016 "Ultimatum"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil portrait fashionable woman

ETH-3018 "Ausstellung"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


This one took a little time. Sometimes a piece needs
an extra little element to make it seem complete.
In this case, nothing significant was added.. but
I spent a lot of time "ghosting" the face to just
the right degree. Hey--it keeps me occupied!

pencil portrait acrylic paint girl with golden hair

ETH-3017 "Goldilocks"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil portrait man's face distortions freestyle

ETH-3015 "Slow-Twitch"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil portrait male face with red

ETH-2956 "The Toll Of Unrealization"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2019

02-02-2020: Little Gems

pencil portrait green background

ETH-3004 "Verges On Fainting"
5x7 pencil/acrylic 2020


woman's portrait with sunglasses

ETH-2999 "Homecoming Will Be A Little Late This Year"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2020


pencil drawing old distinguished man

ETH-2994 "The Ghost On The Back Of Monet's Painting"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2019 [Private Collection]


pencil drawing two men incognate

ETH-2991 "Maskenfreiheit"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2019


drawing young man portrait gold with stripes

ETH-2987 "Boy With Striped Hair, Dissolving"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2019


pencil drawing man's face acrylic wash

ETH-2980 "The Room Is Empty. I Miss You So Bad"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2019


Sometimes, when people learn that I am an artist,
they ask the "standard" questions: which medium do
I use, which subjects do I paint, and even, how long
does it take?
First, there is no standard amount of time, but today's
post was definitely a fast one! I had the idea for the
painting title from the Rolling Stones' song, found a
suitable picture to work from, and it pretty much came
together in just a couple of hours.
drawing bathing beauty with rainbow face

ETH-2983 "She's A Rainbow"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2019


portrait mean old man pencil acrylic

ETH-2974 "Throws Them Under The Bus"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2019


This one hung around for the longest time. The face was done,
but I thought it needed something else. Finally, I hit on the
idea of tracing a drafting triangle, and it pretty much broke
up the background like I wanted. Just one of those happy little
accidents that happen from time to time..

acrylic painting male face triangle

ETH-2964 "Hobson's Choice"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2019


This is one of four pieces I have in the Asia-Pacific Arts
Consortium Juried Show continuing until October 24, 2019
at Honolulu Hale. It's based on an old photo of Roland with
his two sisters.
3 children from 1950s

ETH-2960 "Palama"
11x14 pencil/acrylic 2019


This is another in the ballpoint pen series:
Famous Faces/Cool People. I last paid tribute to
Kahanamoku with a small oil painting in 2011.

pen drawing Kahanamoku portrait

ETH-2895 "Duke Kahanamoku"
11x14 ballpoint pen 2018


A little humour this time: I found this intriguing
photo of a woman in a family album recently, and
wanted to work it into a piece. I couldn't tell what
she was holding on her head.. but as things go, thought
of the William Tell apple story.
Making pictures sure can be crazy sometimes!
pencil drawing female in front of pyramids with dog

ETH-2953 "William Tell's Daughter"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2019


The story behind this piece: I had planned one thing,
and ended up with a completely unplanned result.
This is based on a Roland photo of a [homeless?] man
sleeping on the grassy space between the sidewalk
and the street curb. I tweaked the photo to super-saturate
the colours: a bright blue shirt, and rusty skin tones.
After a detailed drawing, I applied an acrylic wash to tone
the background ahead of painting. But I liked the result
and stopped. It didn't need the colour after all..
drawing sleeping man on the curb
ETH-2957 "Consumed"
11x14 pencil/acrylic 2019

drawing of girl cereal box parody with atomic bomb
ETH-2955 "Run Jane Run! Save Yourself!"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2019 [Private Collection]

nude male figure ballpoint drawing
ETH-2943 "Sketch: muscular back"
11x14 ballpoint pen 2019

of the skin..
painting male nude figure
ETH-2935 "Who Told You That You Were Naked?"
12x15 oil 2019

portrait retro looking man with flag
ETH-2934 "No Good Deed.." 8x10 mixed 2019

oil painting portrait landscape
ETH-2932 "Attention Deficit"
16x20 oil/colour pencil 2019

nine portraits family tree
ETH-2720 "Line of Succession (Fambly Tree)"
18x24 mixed 2019

ballpoint pen portrait Chisholm
ETH-2810 "Shirley Chisholm"
11x14 ballpoint pen 2018

drawing old time bankers raising the rent
ETH-2850 "Tragedy of the Commons"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2018 Private Collection]

charcoal portrait young man

ETH-2924 "Sketch: young man's face"
8x10 charcoal/chalk 2019

academic style painting female portrait

ETH-2807 "The Actress" 5x7 oil 2018

pencil drawing blue male profile
ETH-2901 "Strange Doors We'd Never Close"
5x7 pencil/acrylic 2018 [Private Collection]

life drawing sketch toned paper
ETH-2912 Sketch: life drawing
12x12 charcoal/chalk 2018

pencil acrylic portrait woman
ETH-2880 "Elaina della Veggente"
11x14 pencil/acrylic 2018

ballpoint pen drawing steps

ETH-0939 "Anagogic 2" 13x13 ballpoint pen 1996

oil portrait woman in white

ETH-2780 "Amelia In White" 8x10 oil 2017

painting girl purple mohawk
ETH-2885 "Bristle, rev." 8x10 oil 2018

oil painting seascape early morning
ETH-2875 "Time Is An Ocean"
16x20 oil 2018 [Private Collection]

drawing two men mystery
ETH-2851 "Samzidat" 8x10 pencil/acrylic 2018

ballpoint pen portrait Walt Whitman
ETH-2857 "Walt Whitman" 11x14 ballpoint pen 2018

drawing man in fancy hat
ETH-2853 "As We Forgive Those"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2018

ballpoint pen portrait Patsy Mink
ETH-2824 "Patsy Mink"
11x14 ballpoint pen 2018

drawing pensive woman
ETH-2848 "I Don't Know How Much More Of This.."
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2018

drawing worried woman's portrait
ETH-2843 "Anomalies of the 20th Century"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2018

drawing composer Richard Wagner
ETH-2842 "Wahnfried" 8x10 pencil/acrylic 2018

Beethoven drawing based on Hagen
ETH-2839 "God's Spark"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2018 [Private Collection]

woman's portrait on cardboard
ETH-0863 "Epexegesis"
18x24 colour pencil/acrylic on cardboard 1994

female portrait pencil acrylic
ETH-2722r "Never You Mind"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2018

painting mannequin store window reflections
ETH-0437 "Reflections (P.B&W rev.)"
12x18 oil 1988

portrait sullen woman mixed media
ETH-2830 "What Did You Expect"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2018

01-21-18: Schaefer Portrait Challenge..

So last weekend, I was on Maui for the opening
of the Schaefer Portrait Challenge. I can finally
post the piece that has absorbed a lot of 2017--
painting and then waiting!
The portrait features Roland doing one of this
typical Starbucks' setups: he lugs two bags with
teacups, teapot, linens, flowers, etc to create
an old-fashioned afternoon tea within the confines
of one of our largest contemporary corporations.
He also photographs these setups, with his cellphone
no less, to create some of his lovely greeting cards.
And he meets a LOT of interesting people this way.
afternoon tea at Starbucks
ETH-2745 "What Grande Could Mean"
11x14 oil 2017 [Private Collection]
Roland went over to Maui with me and had fun posing with "his" picture...
model poses with portrait

ballpoint pen drawing Mark Twain
ETH-2797 "Mark Twain" 11x14 Bic pen 2017 [Private Collection]

Nativity Virgin Mary mixed media drawing<
ETH-0860 "The Mokita Creche (detail)"
mixed on kraft paper 1993 [Private Collection]

pencil drawing lady evening gown title=
ETH-2790 "Unintentional Mirroring"
9x12 pencil 2017

drawing wizened weary old man
ETH-2791 "Bozo Texino" 8x10 pencil/acrylic 2017

ballpoint drawing two females in gowns
ETH-0760 "Its Duty Is Its Sorrow"
18x24 Bic pen 1992

academic style painting male portrait
ETH-2776 "The Oath Keeper" 8x10 oil 2017

pencil portrait girl pink background
ETH-2764 "In Lieu Of Flowers, The Family Asks
That You Be Kind to One Another"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2017

drawing woman in green dress
ETH-2743 "Faded Memory" 8x10 pencil & acrylic 2017

mixed media portrait lady's face
ETH-2740 "The Culper Spy"
8x10 pencil & acrylic 2017 [Private Collection]

drawing and painting intense eyes

ETH-2736 "Drool" 8x10 pencil & acrylic 2017

female portrait blue alt-fact title
ETH-2730 "The Woman In Red (I Can Lie Too)"
11x14 charcoal & acrylic 2017

pencil painting woman's face
ETH-2717 "Cult Of The Urban Sophisticate"
8x10 pencil & acrylic 2017

painting drawing back of man's head
ETH-2703 "High Value Target"
8x10 pencil & acrylic 2016

painting portrait over paint splatters ETH-2700 "Vision of Siobhan on the Base
of a Lamppost" 8x10 pencil & acrylic 2016

drawing 3 faces 1 eye
ETH-2694 "Identity Parade"
8x10 pencil & acrylic 2016

outrigger paddlers painting
ETH-2672 "Cross Purposes" 16x20 oil 2016

pencil acrylic portrait tearful woman
ETH-2675 "Schwierigkeit"
5x7" pencil & acrylic 2016 [Private Collection]

pencil drawing Ronnie James
ETH-2660 "Dio" 8x0 pencil & acrylic 2016
[Private Collection]

pencil drawing smoking man
ETH-2645 "What The Hell Is Your Problem"
10x12 pencil & acrylic 2016

portrait harried sick man
ETH-2640 "Kimo" 8x10 pencil & acrylic 2016

pencil portrait male
ETH-2643 "Heroic Failure"
8x10 pencil & acrylic 2016

painting laughing man with bees
ETH-2624 "Monkey Smuggler"
8x10 pencil and acrylic 2016

pencil drawing back of man's head

ETH-2599 "Treppenwitz"
8x10 pencil & acrylic 2016

Holstein pencil drawing with acrylic
ETH-2620 "Cow" 8x10 pencil & acrylic 2016

seascape white wave again dark water
ETH-2584 "Anahata" 8x10 oil 2015

pencil drawing smoking femme
ETH-2571 "Hoped For, But As Yet Unseen"
8x10 pencil 2015 [Private Collection]

pencil drawing of elephant
ETH-2570 "Trigger Warnings"
8x10 pencil/acrylic 2015 [Private Collection]

full frontal face with blue
ETH-2540 "Deeds,Not Words" 8x10 oil 2015

sepia male portrait
ETH-2552 "The Seeker" 8x10 each oil 2015

ETH-2519 "Parables and Paradox"
16x20 oil 2014

sweaty outrigger paddler<
ETH-2514 "Algedonic" 8x10" oil 2014

woman with blue lips
ETH-2512 "Cold War Baby" 6x8 oil 2014

Astaire and Rogers painting in progress
ETH-2498 "Fred & Ginger"
oil on canvas 6x8" 2014 [Private Collection]

nude male with heavy shadow
ETH-2491 "Spirit Wrestler" 10x12" oil 2014

black and white portrait, semi red background
ETH-2454 "Taught To Waste His Life"
6x8" oil 2013

ETH-2372 "Locard's Exchange" 12x18 oil 2012

ETH-0495 "The Sistine Door" 11x15
arcylic on collaged photographs 1988

ETH-2360 "Night Sky" 8x10" oil 2012

ETH-2305 "Audrey" 10x12" oil 2011

ETH-2288 "Portrait of the Artist, Pissed Off
By A Variety of Things" 10x10" oil 2011

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